I am thrilled that I finally found a black owned handbags company with such quality. I will definitely purchase one of your handbags. (The Ana) XOXO
Marlana R. Hutchinson said:
Received the Highly AKAlaimed (pink) as a gift – LOVE…LOVE…LOVE IT! I’m so upset the matching wallet is sold out! I wish the 1908 Uptown Crossbody becomes available again, too! Please help — I need the matching wallet and crossbody bag!
Ariana said:
Yaayy…Congrats!!! Finally made my first purchase.
John Slappy said:
good job
Kimberly Rule said:
I am thrilled that I finally found a black owned handbags company with such quality. I will definitely purchase one of your handbags. (The Ana) XOXO
Marlana R. Hutchinson said:
Received the Highly AKAlaimed (pink) as a gift – LOVE…LOVE…LOVE IT! I’m so upset the matching wallet is sold out! I wish the 1908 Uptown Crossbody becomes available again, too! Please help — I need the matching wallet and crossbody bag!